After a successful 35-year career in the broadcast television space I’ve now turned my attention to cutting edge technology, story telling and environmental causes.
Going Forward
I’ve recently accepted a board seat and CEO position of a revolutionary idea in the telehealth technology space, Scopebug. This technology will allow for more telemedicine appointments across the globe than ever before. We are in phase two of the company’s development and should be in phase 3 by the end of third quarter 2023.

Personal Interests
Having always been a fan of people’s stories, their triumphs and disappointments, I am currently writing and exploring stories from real life murder mysteries to action thrillers and meaningful heartfelt documentaries.
Understanding content and the mechanics that go on behind the scenes, I have always been fascinated with this form of communication. Sight and sound when perfectly harmonized can shake the emotions in a unified direction for all to enjoy. Understanding the broadcasting industry and its relationship to programming has always been a tug of war between the creative personal and the corporate leaders. I have always enjoyed being able to understand the business side as well as the creative side. It has given me an advantage that I rely on.
Environmental Stewardship
The environment should be everyone’s passion. The world today sits on a dividing line. Are we to pursue progress? Or accept decay and decline? There is a true calling for us to stand up and be counted. The future of our children and generations to come, will they look back at our time as a point of progress or complacency? Hopefully we will all recognize that we live on one planet, breath the same air and should work together on our planet’s future.

Chief Executive Officer, American Telehealth Technologies
Oct 2022 - Present · 10
New York, New York, United States

President, Commercial Operations
ION Media Networks
Mar 1999 - Jul 2021
New York, New York, United States

Vice President, Director of Sales
Katz Media Group
July 1995 - Mar 1999
New York, New York, United States

Director of Sales
Walt Disney Company
Dec 1985 - Jul 1991
New York, New York, United States

Account Executive
WestingHouse Broadcasting
Dec 1984 - Dec 1985
New York, New York, United States